Basic table A basic table is composed of table head, body, footer, rows, cells, and caption. Important Notes: Take a look at real examples of tables currently on our sites Demo
This is the table caption.
This is a header cell in table header This is a header cell in table header This is a header cell in table header
This is a regular cell. This is a regular cell. This is a regular cell.
This is a regular cell. This is a regular cell. This is a regular cell.
This is a regular cell. This is a regular cell. This is a regular cell.
This is a regular cell in table footer. This is a regular cell in table footer. This is a regular cell in table footer.
This is the table caption.
This is a header cell in table header This is a header cell in table header This is a header cell in table header
This is a regular cell. This is a regular cell. This is a regular cell.
This is a regular cell. This is a regular cell. This is a regular cell.
This is a regular cell. This is a regular cell. This is a regular cell.
This is a regular cell in table footer. This is a regular cell in table footer. This is a regular cell in table footer.
{% set header %}
  {% set cells %}
    {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-cell.twig' with {
      content: 'This is a header cell in table header',
      header: true,
    } only %}
    {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-cell.twig' with {
      content: 'This is a header cell in table header',
      header: true,
    } only %}
    {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-cell.twig' with {
      content: 'This is a header cell in table header',
      header: true,
    } only %}
  {% endset %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-row.twig' with {
    content: cells,
  } only %}
{% endset %}

{% set row1 %}
  {% set cells %}
    {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-cell.twig' with {
      content: 'This is a regular cell.',
    } only %}
    {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-cell.twig' with {
      content: 'This is a regular cell.',
    } only %}
    {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-cell.twig' with {
      content: 'This is a regular cell.',
    } only %}
  {% endset %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-row.twig' with {
    content: cells,
  } only %}
{% endset %}

{% set row2 %}
  {% set cells %}
    {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-cell.twig' with {
      content: 'This is a regular cell.',
    } only %}
    {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-cell.twig' with {
      content: 'This is a regular cell.',
    } only %}
    {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-cell.twig' with {
      content: 'This is a regular cell.',
    } only %}
  {% endset %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-row.twig' with {
    content: cells,
  } only %}
{% endset %}

{% set row3 %}
  {% set cells %}
    {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-cell.twig' with {
      content: 'This is a regular cell.',
    } only %}
    {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-cell.twig' with {
      content: 'This is a regular cell.',
    } only %}
    {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-cell.twig' with {
      content: 'This is a regular cell.',
    } only %}
  {% endset %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-row.twig' with {
    content: cells,
  } only %}
{% endset %}

{% set footer %}
  {% set cells %}
    {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-cell.twig' with {
      content: 'This is a regular cell in table footer.',
    } only %}
      {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-cell.twig' with {
      content: 'This is a regular cell in table footer.',
    } only %}
      {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-cell.twig' with {
      content: 'This is a regular cell in table footer.',
    } only %}
  {% endset %}
  {% include '@bolt-components-table/table-row.twig' with {
    content: cells,
  } only %}
{% endset %}

{% include '@bolt-components-table/table.twig' with {
  header: {
    content: header,
  body: {
    content: [
  footer: {
    content: footer,
  caption: {
    content: 'This is the table caption.',
} only %}
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